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Arsenic removal machine (2 machines, water supply at the same time, staggered cleaning)

Product Information

JWII series Arsenic removal machine (2 machines, water supply at the same time, staggered cleaning)

Arsenic and its compounds are very toxic, and arsenic poisoning can be caused when the human body ingests too much arsenic. Long-term consumption of arsenic-containing water or food will also accumulate in the human body and damage health. The main methods of arsenic removal are reverse osmosis, filter material adsorption and so on. The investment cost of reverse osmosis equipment is relatively high. Generally, where the water source contains arsenic, the water resources are relatively lacking, and the removal of arsenic by reverse osmosis will cause a large waste of water resources, and the later use costs are high and maintenance is also troublesome. GreenSand filter media is a special filter media for arsenic removal, which removes arsenic through adsorption and ion exchange.

6 major features


(1) System features:

Automatically maintain water supply to two tanks at the same time, and automatically control and stagger cleaning

Centralized management of devices saves time and effort, and the operation status is clear at a glance


(2) Service features:

When the situation occurs, the on-site personnel can continue to supply water by pressing a single button


(3) Maintenance features:

During maintenance services, there is no need to stop the water supply, and it will not affect the water use of the industry


(4) Customer group protection:

The blue light control valve can enter your company name and service number by yourself


(5) Regeneration control:

Flow mode (automatic regeneration after the total flow is detected automatically)


(6) Provide peer advantages:

Electrolytic disinfection type water softener (using electrolytic disinfection to produce bactericidal effect)

Wastewater recovery type water softener (when regeneration, the waste water without salt content is automatically recovered and reused)

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砷及其化合物具有很大毒性,當人體攝入砷的量過多時,會造成砷中毒。長期食用含砷的水或食物也會在人體中積累,損害身體健康。除砷的方法主要有反滲透、濾料吸附法等。反滲透設備投入成本比較高,一般水源中含砷的地方,水資源相對缺乏,而反滲透除砷會產生較大的水資源浪費,後期的使用成本高,維護也麻煩。 GreenSand 濾料是一種專用除砷濾料,通過吸附與離子交換的方式來實現對砷的去除。 尺寸圖

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