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RO and NF system water output maintenance technology

Product Information

RO and NF system water output maintenance technology

Technical explanation

RO reverse osmosis system maintenance and operation: water output

The water output of the system should be monitored regularly to ensure the normal operation of the filter membrane of the system. Percent recovery is the percentage of feed water that becomes pure water. To check the recovery percentage, calculate the ratio of permeate flow to influent flow (influent flow = permeate flow + concentrate flow).

As follows:
Recovery percentage = (pure water flow rate/influent water flow rate) X 100
Feed water = Permeate water + Concentrate water

Question: If the flow rate of permeate water (pure water) is 10 gallons per minute and the flow rate of concentrate water is 15 gallons per minute, then
Influent water = 10 + 15 = 25 GPM
% Recovery = (10/25) x 100 = 40%

A higher recovery percentage means less concentrated water goes to drain. However, higher recovery percentages may also cause soluble salts to precipitate out of the concentrate water and onto the surface of the membrane.

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