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ATS 軟化鹽錠 (NSF認證, SGS證書)

Product Information

ATS 軟化鹽錠 (NSF認證, SGS證書)

The water softener uses coarse salt for regeneration. Due to low purity, high impurities and uneven particle size, it is easy to contaminate the resin and block the automatic control valve. The special salt for softening has an appropriate particle size and will not precipitate on the bottom of the tank to form a salt bridge. It is specially designed for softening resin regeneration.








1. 提高水質:軟化鹽錠能有效去除水中的硬礦物質,讓水質更加柔軟,對皮膚和頭髮更為友好,並且有助於保護家用電器。
2. 延長設備壽命:硬水中的礦物質容易在管道和電器內部積累,導致水流不暢和效率降低。使用軟化鹽錠可以減少這些積累,延長設備的使用壽命。

3. 節約能源:軟水能提高熱水器和洗衣機等設備的效率,從而節約能源並降低家庭開支。

4. 減少清潔負擔:軟水不容易在浴室、廚房和水具上形成水垢,使清潔變得更加容易。




1. 純度:選擇高純度的鹽錠能減少雜質的積累,提高水軟化效果。

2. 形狀和大小:不同品牌的鹽錠形狀和大小有所不同,應根據您的水軟化設備型號選擇適合的鹽錠。

3. 溶解速度:選擇溶解速度均勻的鹽錠,有助於保持水軟化系統的穩定運行。



1. 定期補充:根據水的硬度和家庭用水量,定期檢查鹽箱並補充鹽錠,確保水軟化系統正常運行。

2. 清潔鹽箱:每年清潔一次鹽箱,去除積累的沉澱物,避免影響水軟化效果。

3. 監測水質:定期測試水的硬度,根據需要調整鹽錠用量,確保最佳的水質效果。






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The water softener uses coarse salt for regeneration. Due to low purity, high impurities and uneven particle size, it is easy to contaminate the resin and block the automatic control valve. The special salt for softening has an appropriate particle size and will not precipitate on the bottom of the tank to form a salt bridge. It is specially designed for softening resin regeneration. Technical explanation

use Salt requirements for recommended softening systems
Softening system for medical use Use high-purity evaporated crystal salts
Softening system for food Impurities should be less than 1%
Softening system for drinking water Appropriate particle size, will not precipitate on the bottom of the tank to form a salt bridge
The only compliant and professional salt for regeneration characteristic
Sodium chloride: above 97% Salt dissolves in water to form brine
Impurity: less than 1% Salt water is a cleaning agent for resins and is formulated in
Moisture content: below 3% In the salt storage area of the salt tank
Particle size: more than 3mm Special salt designed for softening resin regeneration
Packing: PE bag 10kg per bag, ±3%
Compliant with food processing requirements


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