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ATS series dual fuel burner (470~2650 kW)

Product Information

ATS series dual fuel burner (470~2650 kW)

日本 Olympia Original

1. Alternate working natural gas/diesel dual fuel burner
2. Single segment operation (on/off)
3. Air and gas are mixed in the combustion head
4. By adjusting the combustion air and the combustion head, the best combustion efficiency can be obtained
5. The burner can be removed directly without removing the mounting flange, which is convenient for maintenance and manual adjustment of air flow
6. Manual air flow adjustment
7. Use a flanged high temperature resistant isolation pad to connect and fix with the boiler
8. Combustion air inlet with flow regulator
9. High temperature resistant stainless steel combustion head flame plate
10. One-way motor drives fan and oil pump
11. Ionization electrode/photoresistor to detect flame
12. Standard configuration of electrical protection class IP40
13. Plastic protective cover
14. Air inlet with muffler

日本 Olympia Original Dimensions

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